Coronary Artery Disease

Affiliated Cardiologists of Arizona
General Cardiology & Vascular Medicine located in Phoenix, Goodyear, Chandler, & Maricopa, AZ
The leading cause of death in the United States is coronary artery disease. At Affiliated Cardiologists of Arizona, with four locations in Phoenix, Maricopa, Goodyear, and Chandler, Arizona, the team can diagnose and manage coronary artery disease to minimize complications and allow you to enjoy a high quality of life. To be evaluated for coronary artery disease or receive expert management of an existing condition, call your nearest office or book an appointment online today.
Coronary Artery Disease
When is coronary artery disease diagnosed?
Arteries supply your heart with blood. When they harden and narrow, your heart is denied oxygen-rich blood and becomes stressed. Coronary artery disease puts you at risk for a serious heart incident, such as a heart attack.
Clogged arteries occur when cholesterol and plaque build up on their inner walls. With time, coronary artery disease weakens your heart muscle and contributes to heart failure and irregular heartbeats, also known as arrhythmias.
What are the symptoms of coronary artery disease?
In its earliest stages, you generally have no apparent symptoms of the disease. But as plaque builds up, you may notice:
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain (angina) like pressure or tightness
- A heart attack that results from a completely blocked coronary artery
If you suspect you’re having a heart incident, call 911 immediately. The other symptoms should be evaluated right away by the specialists at Affiliated Cardiologists of Arizona.
What puts me at risk of developing coronary artery disease?
The damage in the inner layer of your coronary arteries that causes coronary artery disease can result from high blood pressure (hypertension), smoking, Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and a sedentary lifestyle.
Other factors that increase your risk of developing coronary artery disease include:
- Family history
- Age, as your arteries may naturally narrow as you get older
- Being male, but the risk for women increases after menopause
- Unhealthy diet
- Being overweight
- High stress
A healthy lifestyle greatly reduces your risk of developing coronary artery disease. Eat right, exercise, and participate in stress-reducing activities. At Affiliated Cardiologists of Arizona, the team can help you with these preventive measures.
How is coronary artery disease treated?
If you’re diagnosed with coronary artery disease, proper management helps keep it in check. The doctors help you with medications, such as aspirin and beta blockers. They also guide you in making lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, moving more, and adopting a healthier diet.
In some cases, your provider may recommend angioplasty, a procedure to open the narrowed or blocked blood vessels supplying blood to your heart. During the procedure, your provider may insert a small, metal mesh tube called a stent that expands inside a coronary artery to improve blood flow to your heart.
Prompt care for those with coronary artery disease helps prevent the progression of the disease. Call Affiliated Cardiologists of Arizona or schedule an appointment online for evaluation and treatment.